- Can parents/family/friends watch? Is there an admission fee? Yes! Spectators are welcome to watch; entry is free.
- only dancers, teachers, and ONE female parent/guardian are allowed in the dressing room; dressing rooms are typically crowded and dancers are trying to get in the right mindset for their competition day. It's important that we don't have too many people around so our dancers aren't distracted and can focus on being their best on stage!
- Only dancers and teachers are allowed backstage and in the hallways/on deck areas when we are warming up and practicing. After dancers have arrived and gotten settled in the dressing room, ALL parents/friends/family will need to make their way to the audience and remain there until after their dancer's last performance; please do not come to the dressing room to congratulate your dancer on their performance until all of our routines for that section have performed, or if they have over an hour-long break.
- Is there a livestream so family/friends can watch from home? Typically, yes! Check each competition's website for a livestream link.
- When are awards? What happens at awards? At the end of each section of competition, the routines that just competed will receive their awards. All dancers MUST stay for their awards. Dancers must remain at the venue between their performance and awards, unless there's at least an hour of performances remaining; we don't want to miss them! All spectators will sit in the audience and dancers will sit on stage with the team to hear their awards announced. After awards has finished, if your dancer is done performing for the day, you are free to leave! There are a few kinds of awards that routines may receive:
- Adjudication: Every routine receives an adjudication, which shows where their score falls on the competition's general scale of awards; 3 judges can award up to 100 points per routine, giving a dancer a final total score out of 300. At ID, routines can receive a High Gold, Platinum, Iconic Platinum, or Ultra Iconic. This is where you are essentially "competing against yourself" - just trying to get your own best score.
- Overall High Point Awards: This is where scores are ranked against each other for that particular division; 10th Place, 9th Place, 8th Place.....2nd Place, 1st Place. Routines are only competing against their own age division (Mini, Junior, etc), level (Novice, Intermediate, Elite), and type (Solo, Duet/Trio, Small Group, etc) of routine. For example, Teen Intermediate Solos are only competing against the other Teen Intermediate Solos for overall high point awards. Senior Elite Small Groups are competing only against other Senior Elite Small Groups for Overall High Point Awards.
- Special Judges' Awards: Routines may also receive special awards, like "Most Entertaining" or "Best Costume", which the judges hand out to routines they saw something special in and want to recognize.
- ID Icon Awards/PAC Attack: At ID and LUXXE(PAC), any routine may win the ID ICON or PAC Attack award, setting off the lights and sirens - make sure you cheer loudly when this happens! These are awarded when the judges see a routine with something extra special that they want to recognize. After the routine finishes, you'll see lights and hear sirens and the routine will receive their award immediately and be interviewed on stage by the emcee.
- Do we need to be there the whole weekend? No. Your dancer is only required to be at competition for their section of performances, from their call time through their awards ceremony. However, dancers are welcome and encouraged to come support their teammates!
- PHOTOS & VIDEOS: For ID, we plan to purchase all of the media and split the cost among dancers. Stay tuned for further information and costs.
- ID IMPROV CHALLENGE COMPETITION: At ID, any dancers who want to participate in the improv (improvisation) competition, are welcome to! Just register at the registration table when you arrive at competition. It is $30 to enter. Dancers should bring dancewear if they plan to participate. Dancers will improv to songs chosen by ID Dance on stage during the challenge. The Improv Dance Off is offered for 11&under and 12&over. Scholarships presented include: Millennium Dance Complex LA, Fuzion Force LA, Broadway Dance Center NY & more! Dancers will be awarded a banner, scholarship and cash prize for winning the Improv Dance Off. Runner ups will be awarded and announced.